
25 AGAIN!! I just copy pasted this off my notes on Facebook!! I have edited it just a lil bit though!! 1.i lose phns 4 a living. 2.im in love wt black g-strings n id marry 1 f they'd say 'i do' 3.i cnt forgive Adam cz al of us wld b butt naked singin praises at sme garden. Eve is another fool!! IM JUST SAYING! 4. 4th of september!! On that date a few... many years back- i was born!!! 5.i fart wt a passion but leon is a walking atomic reactor. 6.i have almost been arrested so many times...it adds up to being arrested!! 7.i cnt lie.ask kaimuri! 8.i knw kimberly ogembo is tha best human being in tha world.i stand not 2 b corrctd. 9.i collect mosquitoes n write their obituaries... 10.i don't drink at all!! 11.I'm allergic to fish!! 12.i know al the dirty kikuyu wrds...ok i am lying- I know two but they are both dirty!! 13.teeth are the 1st things i luk 4 in a woman. 14.i luv wtchn old ppl strggl 2 wlk.so me n leon r startn up an old ppls hme fit wt free viagra n slippery bathtubs. it will be called STILL WATERS HOME FOR THE OLD AND BROKEN! 13.i wnt 2 feed angelna jolies lips 2 my kitten. 14.shittn I'm wesgate in tha disabld ppls toilets is lyk shitting on a cloud. 15.im so unlucky in gamblin bt i dnt knw wts up wen it cms 2 strip poker.i go pro. 16.i cnt rem bdays so if ur bday aint 19july,27nov,1 april,18mch,8oct,4sep,6may,29july,i have forgotten!! 17.did i mention i hv 2 fish,tia n tamara whch r dyng cz they cnt stand a 3rd wrld cntry.they live in a sufuria. 18.i hate green as much as avocado. 19. i stole a fish once and held it tight in my pocket so it would not make any noises!! I was young!! 20.kaimuris frnd hs tha best braces... 21.i hv 156 dif fantasies... 22.i thnk hell is plot!imagine talking to a woman who is probably naked coz all her clothes are burnt to ashes already and your hair on fire...and sparks on ur finger-holding a hot sprite.uwii 23.i cn sing only wen mamima n aba r doin tha chorus...haha. who im i kidding!! I CANT SING FOR SHIugar!!! i almost cussed back there!!!! Phew!! 24.i nosebleed every morning...just like michael scofield!! Did i spell that right!!? 25.When i was a kid, i fell into a pit latrine!!! It was a warm experience!!
DOREEN.. Doris, She is beautiful...i knew she was beautiful even before i saw her. I couldnt wait the human being who was carrying the purple croc mock bag!! I had fallen in love eons before she walked in!!! HAHA! But that is yesterday's drama... Moving on... Remember the compositions in primary school? the way you had to use all the english phrases you knew coz each would get you a mark!! Claudette and I were talking about these compositions yesterday and God knows i miss writing them!! So i googled a KCPE composition sample paper. It goes like this: Below is the begining of a story. Write and complete the story, making it as interesting as possible. MY FATHER'S OMBEKI I packed my belongings and sneaked out of the house while........ I packed my belongings and sneaked out of the house while he snored his sorrows away! A girl of my status did not have much or need much. Not even an education! All i had was a lesso and my three year old child, Ombeki. The sound of the snores hit the walls of our once beautiful hut in ugly echos!! I looked at him one last time before I slowly shut the squeaky door! "I wish you well my love... I wish you well", I said to myself. Never to look back again!! The night was silent with occasional chirping of crickets and croaking of frogs!! The stars lit the narrow path and the moon walked with me! My only friends, the moon and the stars were. Thorns pricked my bare heels as the path narrowed! I could feel my blood picking up soil beneath my feet... but this was not the time to turn back! Thoughts of what had happened earlier that day clouded my mind! Sadness reverbarated whithin my heart. i bit my lower lip so hard that i could taste my own blood!! "She will marry him!!!", My father shot at my mother. "Baba Anyango, she has barely recovered from the circumsission!! It is not even part of our custo.....", She had not finished her sentence when my father landed a heavy slap on her face that saw her halfway across the room!! She said no more! "May that be the last time woman!!" my father sput and stormed out of the hut with the energy of a horse. The man whose child i carry! There was only one man who agreed to marry me, Onikwe, the man I love... the man i left behind! He was the only one who would accept a disgrace that is myself. A sixteen year old girl with her father's child did deserved nothing more than a sneer, but here was a man who was willing to take me and my retarded child in and all he asked for was for me to be circumssised! I did not complain! But the pain I went through when his friends jeered at him was too much for me to bare!! "Village idiot" they called him. Ombeki was now lurching violently on my back, jerking his hands and shouting out things only he would understand! I lay my lesso on the ragged earth and lay Ombeki on it!! His eyes reflected te evening sky. They were like galaxies before me! He calmed down! Every time i would try lifting him up, he would punch and kick violently... This was as far as we would go on that night! I was woken up by a wet sensetion at the heel of my left foot!! I shot up up to my feet! Before me was a vast field covered in shrub! near my feet was a scrawny puppy that was licking the dry blood under my feet.. OMBEKI???!!!!

the sketch

i am 'THE SKETCH' read it and weep....

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