
THE GOLD MINE.... I am at the office and ready to work!!! Before I left the house I was prayed for...to have a fruitful day, staying here talking to you is the least bit fruitful...I take that back!!! let me start over... Dearest Snowflake, I dont just call you Snowflake because it is a pretty name... i call you that because it is next to impossible that two snowflakes are exactly alike due to the roughly 10 water molecules which make up a snowflake,which grow at different rates and in different patterns depending on the changing temperature and humidity within the atmosphere that the snowflake falls through on its way to the ground united. Wikipedia babe!!! Doris, you know what i hate? Just like God, i too hate a lying tongue!!!! Pd349105 So let me tell you a funny story about my high school... Its a short story about a small abandoned gold mine situated a kilometer and a half away from school.... where we ALL washed our bodies(all 4o0 naked men scrubbed their frames in pure day)...the white man would call it showering!! We shared a bathroom with a whole village!! Barma!! As in thats the name of the village!! And by bathroom i mean the abandoned gold mine!!! If you dont quite get the picture, try imagining a HUGE HOLE WITH STAGNANT WATER(plus stories went round about three boys who lost their lives in it)!!! SORRY, i take that back...i meant HUGE HOLE WITH DIRTY STAGNANT WATER!!! Can you see it now!? Moving on... When i say we shared it with the whole village.... I MEAN THE WHOLE FUCKIN VILLAGE!!! humans, cattle, goats,dogs, chicken...... ANIMALS!!!! I am sure the picture is building up in you head!!!This hole is where all 400 washed our clothes and took our animals to dring then dippied our soapy selves for a perfect rinse!!! it was called ONGORO!!!! Dont laugh just yet!! Moving on...Sb10067218x-001 We had 45 minutes to dash to this 'bathroom' , shower...then dash back!!! Remember when i said it was about a kilometre and a half???!! Yeah...imagine the speeed you had to use!! We would get back to scho ol dirtier than we had left!!! DONT LAUGH JUST YET!!! A bell would ring, "ONGORO TIME" ! Grown men dashed out the school gates and headed for THE GOLD!!! We would leave the school approximatelly 270 guys but only 150 would make it there for reasons i will explain!!! 1. Some students lived around the school and used this time to go home...CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! 2. other students had business to take care of elsewhere around the vicinity ie. trade soap for a cob of maize!!! 3. a few rotten student used this oppotunity to do drugs!!! 3241083345_f71c568cbf_z 4. I most of the time used this time to take a walk!!! I would slowly walk to Ongoro...this means that guys would start coming back before i got there..I came back with the first goup!! YES I DIDNT 'SHOWER" some of the time!!!I found myself indulging into the famous barter trade,where we would trade my bar of soap for a cob of roasted maize (that was almost completely hard) or mangoes!! THIS BUSINESS WAS EXTREMELY ILLEGAL!!!! There was this once the cooks used water from Ongoro to make tea!! NIGGAZ diarrhoead!!!!! Ongoro is where guys would set up their fights!!! I mean, who would get you there?? even if you killed your opponent, you would simply tie him to an anchor and sink the nigger!!! Coming back late from 'the gold' meant NO SUPPER!!! I slept hungry å many times!!! The best part: SHARING the 'gold' with the village meant SHARING WITH 'THE GOLD' VILLAGE!!! You do not quite understand Doris..... We would get to Ongoro and find the village women 'showering'!!! It was über-disgusting the first few days of the term but as time went by, there was this SEXY ISLAND thing going on!!! They loved it too!!! 29 bathing woman TAKE NOTE:THIS WAS VERY ILLEGAL AND WOMEN FOUND 'SHOWERING' DURING OUR TIME WERE PUNISHED BY THE AREA ELDERS/ CHIEF!!! haha!! there was this one village woman who was mad and would come to where all the boy were and give us a little show!! HAHAAH!! By show i mean 'NOT SEX'!!! She would go like "look at my p***"hahaha!! I wish i could tell you the rest of that story....hahahahaa!!! No matter how much i complain about Ongoro, it was by far the best part of the day!!! once in a while we had teachers coming over to "SUPERVISE"!! HAHAHAHA!!! NOW YOU CAN LAUGH!!!
SILLY WOMEN Dear Doris, It is indeed sad! This what i am aboutto explain..... First i would like to apologise for having gone so long...I have been on leave and i dont have internet at home!!! But i am here now, so wipe those tears, Ian is here!!! Where do i start my love? So we are in the club after a coctail thing at Blanco's last Saturday!! It was my cousins birthday...and it wasnt a coctail thing for me coz i was broke...I sipped on one bottle of soda for almost 4 hours!!!We hit the club at about midnight... 12 friends, two of which were female!! HERE COMES THE SILLY WOMEN..... so we are standing in a group...9 men in a group can be pretty intimidaing...and i understand that!! So this BITCH come over and hugs 8 of the nine men....and ignores my presence!!! UWIIII! I was burning!!! She was beautiful, sijakataa!! But lengaing me like that was not acceptable.... she is a friend of the group(not mine) but Lord knows i would give no squirts of piss if i found her dying on the road side!!!! SILLY WOMAN NUMBER ONE!!! Noir-1 SILLY WOMAN NUMBER TWO i really dont care about coz she had a really big head and was wearing green!! A woman with a big head wearing my worst color is just a waste of energy!!! She spilt beer on my jacket...MY GAP JACKET, the fuckin' smilled at me! That big head clearly had nothing isnside!!! I am so annoyed!!! Enough about the that night, eventhough there is a 3rd silly woman!she is the silliest of them all! i will not say more about her because he reads my diary!! In more complicated issues, i am in love with my friend's, friend's girlfriend!!! hahaah!! She is always in a sun dress!! Innocent and beyond! These dresses are always sightly transparent, just enough to let you see blur shapes!! MY HEAVENS!!! i have thus far seen her twice in a row(without my friends friend) and I have promised myself that if there is a third time....my friends friend will not be so lucky!! SO HELP ME GOD!!! P.S- I DO NOT DO SPELL CHECKS ON MY DIARY.... SO SUCK ON YOUR GRIEF COZ MORE SPELLING MISTAKES ARE COMING YOUR WAY!!!im just saying!

the sketch

i am 'THE SKETCH' read it and weep....

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