
I AM GOING TO BE A FATHER Dearest Doris, There is so much truth in that title it scares me!!! Dont get me wrong, some woman is not pregnant with my child.... at least not at the moment!!! i have decided that my 1st child will be named ONASSIS!! thats ofcourse if its a boy.... if its a girl, i will name her Sarabi...this child talk is freaking me out!!!! this weekend was by far the most exciting weekend this year!!! is it reallY???? YEAH! im sure it is.....WHERE DO I START!!? the beginnig would be good...i know i knowwww!!!!! THURSDAY an aunts bday party.... lots of chocolate cake and good food!!! This is how it all started!!! ill skip the speeches and cutting of the cake and the ride to the club... we hit K1 for reggae night!!! im sorry people but ill skip this part coz i cant wait to go to the next bit... i left all my friends at K1 coz i had to go to Rez!! Hawi* was there at at that time, nothing seemed more important than meeting the 5feet 7" beautiful intelligent med student ... OH SNAP!!I HOPE I TOLD YOU WE HAVENT MET!!! MOVING ON.... Rez was packed!!!AS IN PEOPLE WERE POURING OUT!!!!! on a normal night i wouldnt have gone in!!! plus i hate ENTRANCE FEES!!! BUT HAD TO GET IN..... please be advised: i am a waist 30!! PRACTICALLY MY WHOLE FRAME IS A 30!!! haha!! That means i am nowhere near FAT!!! I am also almost 7 feet tall...I SAID ALMOST!! dont look at me like i am 6feet 4" !!! picture a black guy with a;; these physicals trying to fight through a crowd!!! i kep on leaving body parts behind- LITERALLY!!!! i am not sure if you quite get what i am saying!!! i got in!! i forgot to tell you i gymed for four days 5 years ago and still have some of that energy left in me!!! I AM LIKE SUPER STRONG!!! haha!! the club was packed and HOTT!! You will not believe me when i say Hawi* was the first thing i saw when i walked into the main seating area!!! LET ME EXPLAIN THE WEIGHT OF MY LAST STATEMENT- Doris i am blind!!!! i practically use SONAR to navigate...or what is that shit bats use??! Anyhu as blind as i was, i could spot her in between a crowd of probably 40!!! my eyes have a way of playing tricks on me though, so i chilled from afar to confirm if it was her!! i went to the counter n got my soda!! then texted...if i remember correctly, i said "are you the beautiful woman wearing black earrings and have your hair tied back?" now at this point i was sure my eyes were playing tricks....i cant see ahuman whos that far away and now im seeing details??? she reached for her phone DEAR DORIS, JACKPOT!! we talked for a while... i liked what i saw!! BOTTOM LINE, the picture didnt lie one bit!! i will not bore you any further!!! i did a lot of club hopping with my friends that night!! WE WERE EVERYWHERE!! i almost fell asleep at Psys looking at young girls who were opening school on Monday, wearing almost nothing!! THEY WERE EVERYWHERE being fondled by boys with shinny long shoes, jackets that don't fit and pants that wont stay UP!!!! the rest is a blur..... FRIDAY i am sure i did something absolutely awesome on Friday!!! too bad i cant remember!!!!!! SATURDAY TOTALLY AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE starte d the night with my boys big Party!!!! it was a beautiful party, free EVERYTHING!!!!!! and EVERYTHING WAS A LOT!!! most of the crowd there went to the same university or somewhere close by.. i will explain- LISTEN!! most of the crowd went to KENT UNIVERSITY!!!or when i say somwhere close by, i mean somwhere in the UK!!!! THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT AS YOU WILL SEE SHORTLY!!!! i did not go to KENT!! OR ANYWHERE CLOSE BY!!!! BUT I WAS SURE TRYING TO LOOK LIKE I DID!!! some randm chic came up and asked me holding my jacket.... "did you go to Kent!!?" I SWEAR TO GOD I ALMOST SAID YES!!! but i come from a christian family...I WASNT GOING TO TELL A TINY WINNY LIE TO IMPRESS THIS BEAUTIFUL PLUS SIZED WOMAN!! "NAH!!"i sed... she SHOT OFF LIKE I HAD SED, "FUCK OFF!!" im sorry for cussung!!!! SHe didnt even ask, "where did you go!!" this post is getting long!! allow me to end here!!!!

the sketch

i am 'THE SKETCH' read it and weep....

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